National Will Safe
Your Will and any other relevant legal documents, such as Powers of Attorney, are kept in a waterproof wallet in a specialist document archive facility.
While your documents are with National Will Safe they are fully insured against loss or damage. If anything happens to your documents, they will be recreated and replaced for you, free of charge.
If your document is lost or damaged at the time it is needed, or its loss or damage only comes to light at the time it is needed then we are insured for up to £2million to compensate anyone who loses out or incurs costs as a result of there being no legally binding document in existence.
Will Safe provide you with plastic identity cards for you and your Executors. They display your name, a unique storage reference number and our contact details.
You can access your documents at any time – free of charge. The documents can either be returned to your professional advisor or directly to you, using an insured delivery service.
When your Executors need to access your Will, all they need to do is provide National Will Safe with a death certificate and proof of their identity. We will send your Will to them free of charge, using a secure, next day delivery service.
Simple Wills
You can leave gifts in your will as an outright (or absolute) gift. This means it will pass directly to the intended recipient and is then theirs to do with as they wish. It will form part of their estate when they die which may have implications for inheritance tax.
Although a simple will may suit some individuals there can be some disadvantages to this:
If your husband or wife have to go into care after you have died your estate may be used to pay for their care.
If your son or daughter divorces, their ex partner may benefit from your estate meaning your children may lose some of their inheritance.
Your son or daughters inheritance may be at risk if they are declared bank rupt.
Your grandchildren may not be responsible or mature enough to spend your gift to them wisely.
It is really important to seek advice from Jane Parker (Wills) & Associates.
Will Trusts
In contrast to a simple will a gift in trust means that the gift is held by your trustees and is managed by them to ensure the trust is used wisely.
The law of trusts was developed hundreds of years ago and is still used frequently today.
You are able to specify how and when your beneficiaries may benefit from your estate. A trust enables you to impose conditions or time limits on gifts to individual members of your family.
It also enables you to consider a future need, like a grandchild who may need more financial help than other beneficiaries at some point in their life or beneficiaries who are not capable or responsible enough to deal with money themselves.
A trust also as other benefits such as It can reduce the risk of losing your estate to the Local Authority to pay for your care or your spouses care. It can protect your children from losing their inheritance in a divorce or if declared bankrupt.
Christine Durrant – 01/09/2020
Ensuring that people important in your WORLD, are considered in your WISHES and those WISHES are reflected in your WILL
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