The Rainbow Centre

About the Rainbow Centre

Founded in 1990, The Rainbow Centre for Conductive Education in Fareham, Hampshire, has 31 years experience in providing a vital and high quality service to those affected by devastating neurological conditions. We support children and adults, and those caring for them, affected by conditions such as cerebral palsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and head injuries. We do this through a system of learning called Conductive Education, also by providing information and signposting. The Conductive Education we provide is a unified system of learning and rehabilitation developed to support people with neurological conditions to overcome the challenges they face in all aspects of their lives. This is achieved by training undamaged parts of the brain to take control of motor functions previously managed by the areas of the brain which no longer work. There are no age restrictions, our children’s services start from as young as 6 months old and there is no limit on the age of the adults we help.

Cerebral palsy is the most common cause of physical disability in children and young people in the developed world. It is a lifelong condition that has a significant impact on movement, co-ordination and development. There can be a detrimental effect on all aspects of a child’s life.
For the adults we work with, the aftermath of a stroke or head injury or onset of a degenerative neurological condition can be devastating and life-changing. Since these conditions can have a marked negative impact on everyday life, people with neurological conditions are at significant risk of isolation, social exclusion and poor mental health.

The support we provide improves; mobility, gross and fine motor functions, independent living skills, communication skills, cognitive abilities, and emotional wellbeing as well as reducing isolation and loneliness as vital support networks are formed between peers.

Our children and adults come to us from across the South including as far as Reading, Bournemouth and Chichester and areas in between. We are the only such Centre in the South of England and are wholly reliant on donations to continue our work.

Registered Charity No. 1096603

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